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Entries from April 2008

More about the Replaceable Rules

April 29th, 2008 · 6 Comments

It has been a little while since I made a post, having struck a busy patch at work (I am setting up my research lab at the University of Sydney) I have been flat out for the last couple of weeks. To fix that I decided to make a quick post today to try to […]


Tags: Companies

Learning to handle large sums of money

April 7th, 2008 · Comments Off on Learning to handle large sums of money

Over our lives we all have to handle money at various times and in varying amounts. My first job was a paper round, delivering the Herald-Sun around the suburb where I grew up in Geelong, Victoria. For doing this 6 days a week I got the princely sum of $10. Each week I would then […]


Tags: Financial Literacy · How to... · Investment

Making $20 million from scratch

April 2nd, 2008 · Comments Off on Making $20 million from scratch

In order to get the AEReS project off the ground I need to get to $20 million. As I currently have zero dollars I have to necessarily start off small. When I was looking into business loans a couple of years ago I was told by the commonwealth bank that in order to obtain a […]


Tags: Blogging