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Entries from November 2008

Investigation into Forex Trading

November 29th, 2008 · Comments Off on Investigation into Forex Trading

For this post I would like to have a look a little bit at Forex trading.  Chances are anyone who finds this post will already know about it, but for those who don’t Forex trading is the trading of foreign currencies.  All of that stuff you see on the news about how much the dollar […]


Tags: Forex

How to assemble your own 140 LED Infrared Light Source (part 1)

November 25th, 2008 · 8 Comments

Wow, it has been a long time since I last posted!  Well, what has been a very busy uni year is over now, so I will try my very best to post a bit more frequently, at least until the next academic year starts!!  To kick off I thought I would describe how to put […]


Tags: How to...