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Entries from April 2009

Give a friend a disease

April 21st, 2009 · 1 Comment

My mum and my sister bought me these really cool soft toys in the shapes of microscopically sized things  for my birthday this year.  But more than just being something a little unusual, they are actually really well made and really clever.  They are by a company in the US called Giant Microbes and the […]


Tags: Financial Support of AEReS · Raising Money · Review

How to increase hits on your web site

April 20th, 2009 · 1 Comment

One of the main aims for my blog, apart from being a place where I can collect information which for one reason or another is difficult to find otherwise, is that I wanted to play around and see what sorts of things attract readers. In one of my first posts I talked about the blog […]


Tags: Blogging · How to...

The psychology of an entrepreneur

April 14th, 2009 · Comments Off on The psychology of an entrepreneur

For anyone interested in starting up their own business there is a fair bit of literature out there on the topic.  One of my favourite authors is Robert Kyosaki of the immensely popular Rich Dad Poor Dad series of books.  The first of the books Rich Dad Poor Dad was number one on the non-fiction […]


Tags: Psychology

My Forex experience

April 7th, 2009 · Comments Off on My Forex experience

In December 2008 I learnt about Foreign Currency Trading.  Reading around online I found there were a number of brokers that allowed you to trade foreign currencies and they all offered demo accounts that let you try their trading software on the live market, but using imaginary money.  Coincidentally a friend of mine down in […]


Tags: Forex