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The psychology of an entrepreneur

April 14th, 2009 · No Comments

For anyone interested in starting up their own business there is a fair bit of literature out there on the topic.  One of my favourite authors is Robert Kyosaki of the immensely popular Rich Dad Poor Dad series of books.  The first of the books Rich Dad Poor Dad was number one on the non-fiction best seller list in Australia for more than two years straight.


In the first book, and also in many other similar types of books discussing business coaching, it is often said that in order to suuceed in business the best thing you can do for yourself is to educate yourself, and also never be afraid to get advice if you don’t understand something.


I am a scientist and it is as true in our field as it is in business, always push yourself to learn more than you currently know.  If you come across the situation where you don’t know something, find out.  I make it a point to always carry a pen and paper around with me at all times and if I ever find that I don’t know something or if I ever need a piece of information that I don’t have, I write the question down so I can be sure to find out later what I didn’t know now.  That way I will know it for next time.


Some examples of things I have recently learned is how to assemble a IR LED (as described in this blog for others in case they also need to know this), how to use CSS in designing a web page.  I then used it on the web page for my rabbits.  Last year I didn’t know how to register a company so I made it my business to find out, now I know how, and now I have one. Etc Etc.  The next problem I am working on is how to create an income stream fr my company, but that is exactly the point.  You don’t need to be born knowing everything but if you identify the things that you don’t know and educate yourself, one by one the problems are overcome and you succeed at what ever it is you are doing.


So the moral of the story then is to never be content to be ignorant.  Always seek the knowledge that you need.  The answers to everything are out there, we as the seekers of knowledge just need to find them.

Tags: Psychology