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Entries from September 2009

In the lab

September 25th, 2009 · Comments Off on In the lab

I am writing a couple of grants at the moment.  For those of you who are not familiar with how scientific research works, scientists need to apply for funding for their experiments and they do this by applying for grants from various funding agencies.  The biggest in Australia is the National Health and Medical Research […]


Tags: Science

Getting Rid of Comment Spammers

September 23rd, 2009 · Comments Off on Getting Rid of Comment Spammers

Hello once again.  In this article I wanted to talk about comment spammers.  Like email spam, comment spammers use software to trawl the internet for comment fields in blogs and forums etc and then automatically enter multiple comments and flood your system with stupid, useless comments. I describe them as stupid and useless comments not […]


Tags: Blogging · How to...