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Entries from January 2010

Medical Illustration

January 14th, 2010 · Comments Off on Medical Illustration

One of my pet hates on the internet is when you can’t find information or a picture that you know is out there, or if you are looking for an image say and all you can find are these little tiny versions of pictures re-posted every where but never the source image.  For instance there […]


Tags: Blogging · How to... · Social Commentary

Computer aided search

January 13th, 2010 · Comments Off on Computer aided search

As a researcher I do a lot of trawling of electronic data bases for data or information.  When you are performing a search, the construction of a good search string is critical in being able to find what you need.  If there is something unique about what you are after then it makes it a […]


Tags: Review · Science

New Years Resolutions

January 8th, 2010 · Comments Off on New Years Resolutions

I have two New years Resolutions this year.  I thought I would put them down here so as to better hold myself to them. 1)  Stop being late for things. To date I have found that I am often running late for things or else forget about things entirely, whether that be staff meetings at […]


Tags: Blogging · Social Commentary