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Vancouver Time

February 25th, 2010 · No Comments

Hi to the rest of the world. I skate at Canterbury ice rink here in Sydney and of course the buzz there is that one of their skaters, Cheltzie Lee has made it through her short program to be placed 18th out of 30 skaters over all. This means that she will get to skate her long program which is on Thursday the 25th Feb at 5pm in Vancouver. I was wondering when 5pm Vancouver time is our time here in Sydney so I have put a Vancouver clock and a Sydney clock here so everyone can see the conversion. I can’t wait to watch the event, it should be great with the best woman’s skater in the world Yu-na Kim also competing.

At the time of writing it is 6:18pm in Vancouver on Wed 24th of Feb (it messes with my mind that it is still Yesterday over there!!). Therefore the woman’s Free Skate (long program) will be on at Friday 26th of Feb at 12pm Sydney time.

Tags: Blogging