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Entries from January 2012

Building Our Own Home

January 12th, 2012 · 3 Comments

Before Christmas Tala and I were looking into buying a house. The most we could afford to borrow was $420,000. The houses in the area where we are renting now go for ~$560,000 – $650,000, so in order to buy we had to look even further out from the city. It already takes me around […]


Tags: Blogging · House Building · Project Management · Property

Summary of things coming up

January 9th, 2012 · 1 Comment

I just got back from Christmas Holidays last Friday (6th Jan, 2012). I was down in Tassie for these holidays and was helping my mum do some work around her 20ac property ready to sell it. I so can’t wait to have a property of my own, there is so much that I would like […]


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