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Learning Digital Painting

November 18th, 2014 · No Comments

I came across a great web site that teaches digital art from the very beginning by a concept artist named Matt Kohr.  I have been wanting to learn better digital art technique so as to become a better scientific illustrator and Photo retoucher so I am excited about following his tutorials.

The web site is:


At the end of each tutorial Matt gives an assignment sheet for you to practice the skills he has taught that lesson.  In Lesson 1.03 we were learning colour mixing.  Below is the colour mixing I did.  It is not too bad.  the biggest difficulty I had was getting the brush settings to do what his were doing on the screen.  My brushes in Photoshop (CS6) weren’t behaving the same way as his so I was having trouble getting the same effects.  In the end I had to down load and install the set of three brushes he provided which fortunately had all the same other settings that he used, so at last I could reproduce the activities as Matt demonstrated them.

For this activity we were only given the two end most colours and we had to mix the rest to match the reference panel on the top line, using only the two end most colours or others that we had mixed our selves.  It was interesting.  I got the hang of the brush.  I found I had to dab the brush repeatedly in order to get a good opaque layer put down, even with the brush flow and opacity up to 100%.  I guess I will learn about brush settings eventually to see what setting is causing that.

Lesson 103 colour mixing

Tags: Digital Art