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A Sunday at home

June 29th, 2014 · No Comments

Right, I have got to improve my rate of blog entries!! Seriously.

Below is a list of my tasks for today:

  • Go for Run (Done)
  • Bring in Laundry (Done)
  • Put away laundry (Done)
  • Vacuumed upstairs (Done)
  • Put up recording of my Live Well Interview for family (Done)
  • Setup sewing to be done (Done)
  • Set up invoices for personal tax
  • Check where we are at for 2013/2014 financial statement
  • Make Anzac Biscuits (Done)
  • Make Sandwiches (Done)
  • Make dinner (Done)
  • Watch John Carter and sew pants
  • Make clip of Haley Dean for you tube for grandmothers order (Done)
  • Prepare phantom doco interviews
  • Take photos of sky train sites (Done)
  • Send mums B’day present
  • Make assets for Opening Sequence of Hollins Trophy 2014
    • 3d logos
    • Set up backgrounds, cameras and lights
  • Select Photos/frames for:
    • Ring for front cover art (skaters entering for warm up?)
    • 1st and 2nd place for each division
  • Take closing sequence from previous comp and set up for 2014
  • Find replacement clips for Hollins 2014
  • Up date the FFPS web site
  • Find Photography web site template

It is already 12:56pm!!  I had better get cracking.  Next I am making my lunches for the week and Anzac biscuits at the same time.

Yum, lunch today was Banana and Nutella sandwiches since I had some fresh bread to make my sanwdiches:

Banana_Sandwich_ 1


Banana_Sandwich_ 2

Better get to the making my lunches!

Alright, sandwiches and Anzac Biscuits are done.

Sandwiches_and_Biscuits_ 1

Sandwiches_and_Biscuits_ 3

Sandwiches_and_Biscuits_ 2

It is starting to get dark so better get the laundry in next…

Well that was not a bad day’s effort. One of my honours students who handed in her thesis last week gave me a bottle of New Zealand Savignon Blanc which I have chilled and am having with fish (cooked in sour cream, lemon and lime juice, butter and Riesling) and steamed broccoli and butternut pumpkin. Yumm.

Tags: Blogging