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Entries Tagged as 'Companies'

The betrayal by Cadbury

May 26th, 2009 · 11 Comments

Most people probably have a story to tell about products they remember eating as a kid which they return to years later only to claim with some alarm, “I remember these use to be much bigger”.  In some instances, certainly, this may be due to an increase in size of the person doing the remembering, […]


Tags: Companies · Review

More about the Replaceable Rules

April 29th, 2008 · 6 Comments

It has been a little while since I made a post, having struck a busy patch at work (I am setting up my research lab at the University of Sydney) I have been flat out for the last couple of weeks. To fix that I decided to make a quick post today to try to […]


Tags: Companies

Starting a Company

March 28th, 2008 · 20 Comments

In order to get the AEReS project underway I wanted to set up this blog, and for that I wanted to register my own .com.au domain name. I did a search online for a decently priced registry service, but then in the process of signing up there was a point where I had to enter […]


Tags: Companies · How to...