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Entries Tagged as 'How to…'

Medical Illustration

January 14th, 2010 · Comments Off on Medical Illustration

One of my pet hates on the internet is when you can’t find information or a picture that you know is out there, or if you are looking for an image say and all you can find are these little tiny versions of pictures re-posted every where but never the source image.  For instance there […]


Tags: Blogging · How to... · Social Commentary

Getting Rid of Comment Spammers

September 23rd, 2009 · Comments Off on Getting Rid of Comment Spammers

Hello once again.  In this article I wanted to talk about comment spammers.  Like email spam, comment spammers use software to trawl the internet for comment fields in blogs and forums etc and then automatically enter multiple comments and flood your system with stupid, useless comments. I describe them as stupid and useless comments not […]


Tags: Blogging · How to...

Analysis of web page visitor data

May 5th, 2009 · Comments Off on Analysis of web page visitor data

One of the purposes of this blog is to have a look at the sorts of things that bring people to a web site.  I wanted to try different sorts of content to see what sorts of content attracts the most readers.   I mentioned in my post “How to increase hits on your web […]


Tags: Blogging · How to...

How to increase hits on your web site

April 20th, 2009 · 1 Comment

One of the main aims for my blog, apart from being a place where I can collect information which for one reason or another is difficult to find otherwise, is that I wanted to play around and see what sorts of things attract readers. In one of my first posts I talked about the blog […]


Tags: Blogging · How to...

How to assemble your own 140 LED Infrared Light Source (part 2)

February 18th, 2009 · 4 Comments

This is the second of a post in which we are looking at how to construct your own infrared light source from a commercially available kit.  Below is a picture of the completed infrared light source we are about to make.  It has 140 x 850nm infrared LEDs.  As described in part 1 of this […]


Tags: How to...

How to assemble your own 140 LED Infrared Light Source (part 1)

November 25th, 2008 · 8 Comments

Wow, it has been a long time since I last posted!  Well, what has been a very busy uni year is over now, so I will try my very best to post a bit more frequently, at least until the next academic year starts!!  To kick off I thought I would describe how to put […]


Tags: How to...

Learning to handle large sums of money

April 7th, 2008 · Comments Off on Learning to handle large sums of money

Over our lives we all have to handle money at various times and in varying amounts. My first job was a paper round, delivering the Herald-Sun around the suburb where I grew up in Geelong, Victoria. For doing this 6 days a week I got the princely sum of $10. Each week I would then […]


Tags: Financial Literacy · How to... · Investment

Starting a Company

March 28th, 2008 · 20 Comments

In order to get the AEReS project underway I wanted to set up this blog, and for that I wanted to register my own .com.au domain name. I did a search online for a decently priced registry service, but then in the process of signing up there was a point where I had to enter […]


Tags: Companies · How to...