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Entries Tagged as 'Science'

Intermittent Fasting Experiment

January 28th, 2014 · Comments Off on Intermittent Fasting Experiment

I was down in Melbourne recently talking with a friend. She told me about a documentary she had seen about intermittent fasting. We were talking about life being too short I think and needing to be able to live longer to fit everything in. This particular documentary discussed a little about that which is what […]


Tags: Blogging · Intermittent Fasting · Science

In the Lab

December 6th, 2011 · Comments Off on In the Lab

I am writing a couple of grants at the moment. For those of you who are not familiar with how scientific research works, scientists need to apply for funding for their experiments and they do this by applying for grants from various funding agencies. The biggest in Australia for medical research is the National Health […]


Tags: Blogging · Science

Rant About Genetic Diseases

February 17th, 2011 · 1 Comment

I was on the microscope on Tuesday this week listening to past episodes of the Health Report, a radio program from Radio Natioinal about health related issues, and came across two episides from late January this year discussing Huntington’s disease. Part 1 (10th Jan 2011) Part 2 (17th Jan 2011) My research area is Parkinson’s […]


Tags: Review · Science

Computer aided search

January 13th, 2010 · Comments Off on Computer aided search

As a researcher I do a lot of trawling of electronic data bases for data or information.  When you are performing a search, the construction of a good search string is critical in being able to find what you need.  If there is something unique about what you are after then it makes it a […]


Tags: Review · Science

In the lab

September 25th, 2009 · Comments Off on In the lab

I am writing a couple of grants at the moment.  For those of you who are not familiar with how scientific research works, scientists need to apply for funding for their experiments and they do this by applying for grants from various funding agencies.  The biggest in Australia is the National Health and Medical Research […]


Tags: Science