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Entries Tagged as 'Social Commentary'

Nude Sandcastles

November 26th, 2011 · 6 Comments

It was great weather for a day at the beach last weekend (Sat 19th Nov, 2011). I heard that there was going to be a game of nude beach cricket between the Coast and Valley Naturists (CAVN) and Bare Tracks up at Samurai Beach in Port Stephens on the Saturday so thought I would make […]


Tags: Blogging · Nudity · Review · Social Commentary

Stuff I can’t find!!

March 17th, 2011 · 1 Comment

I am so angry!! Nothing is more aggravating that when you can’t find something. On this occasion, though I may add to the list later, I have been looking for two things: 1) Supplier of 400mL PET soft drink bottles in Sydney 2) Supplier of post mix coke syrup in sydney Visy, is supposedly one […]


Tags: Social Commentary

Medical Illustration

January 14th, 2010 · Comments Off on Medical Illustration

One of my pet hates on the internet is when you can’t find information or a picture that you know is out there, or if you are looking for an image say and all you can find are these little tiny versions of pictures re-posted every where but never the source image.  For instance there […]


Tags: Blogging · How to... · Social Commentary

New Years Resolutions

January 8th, 2010 · Comments Off on New Years Resolutions

I have two New years Resolutions this year.  I thought I would put them down here so as to better hold myself to them. 1)  Stop being late for things. To date I have found that I am often running late for things or else forget about things entirely, whether that be staff meetings at […]


Tags: Blogging · Social Commentary

Got the Swine

July 9th, 2009 · Comments Off on Got the Swine

Health authorities in Australia, as elsewhere in the world are currently obsessed with Swine Flu, or as those same authorities would prefer us to refer to it, H1N1. The designers at Giant Microbes have even put out a Swine flu soft toy (see  here), which like all their other  toys are a great likeness of […]


Tags: Review · Social Commentary

Donor Children

June 30th, 2009 · 8 Comments

In 1997 I was a sperm donor in the Monash IVF program at the Epworth Medical Centre in Melbourne.  I was 21 at the time and in the honours year of my Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Melbourne.  The laws must have changed since I was a donor as you have to […]


Tags: Blogging · Donor Children · Social Commentary