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Haydn’s Photography

I am in the process of putting together a dedicated web site of my photography.  In the mean time I have gathered together some examples of my work here.  Note the first five images are from my own wedding, my cousin took the images with my camera then I did the colour work.  These are examples of the few different ways we retouched the images.  I took and retouched the remaining images.



2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 John Garner // Jan 29, 2015 at 10:07 am

    Very nice Haydn, Its great to have a hobby like photography and many have gone further since digital came about. Did you have an album made for your wedding? Most don’t these days and this is what has put Julie out of business and in time me. All your beautiful works should be kept on paper for everlasting memories. Keep up the good work

  • 2 FastLife // Jan 29, 2015 at 10:23 am

    Hi John, no we haven’t yet (yes I know it has been two years!!), and I agree, you tend to look at them much more when they are in physical format, plus the resolution is much better and they look nicer on paper.

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